A Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (UNFCCC) realizará a 23ª Conferência das Partes (COP23) entre 6 e 17 de novembro na cidade de Bonn. A delegação de Fiji assume a Presidência em 2017. Negociadores de cerca de 200 países debaterão na Alemanha os avanços globais para a implementação do Acordo de Paris. O WRI Brasil participará dos seguintes eventos paralelos:

Solutions to promote the Forest Code implementation and a smart land use dynamic in Brazil

By 2019 countries should establish policies and actions to promote the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. For Brazil, the implementation of the Forest Code and the adoption of low-carbon practices in agriculture and livestock are of fundamental importance to allow an efective control of deforestation, to promote the restoration of native vegetation and the adoption of practices to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emission in food, energy and fiber production. Considering the need to promote the scale-up of these NDCs and the construction of a new national climate change policy, the event will aim to bring together experts working on the challenges of Forest Code implementation, forest restoration promotion, including economic restoration, reduction of deforestation, restoration of degraded pastures, and promotion of low-carbon farming.

When: November 8, 2017, 10:00 – 11:10

Where: Brazil Pavilion, Bonn Zone

WRI Brasil Staff: Rachel Biderman

Contributions to strengthen the implementation of the Brazilian NDC: the importance of a monitoring system and the role of local governments

Monitoring of climate policies has received a growing increasing global relevance globally, as a result of the increasing role of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems, a proposal to revise NDCs under the Paris Agreement and the urgency of the ambitious climate policies and plans issue, which requires the implementation of concrete measures. Local governments have demonstrated proactivity to provide innovative responses for reducing GHG emissions and creating adaptive capacity. The event will discuss the importance and correlation between these two elements as keys to the implementation strategy of the Brazilian NDC.

When: November 8, 2017, 11:30 – 12:40

Where: Brazil Pavilion, Bonn Zone

WRI Brasil Staff: Daniely Votto, Juliana Speranza and Viviane Romeiro

Mechanisms for low-carbon agriculture in Brazil: reconciling economic and climatic demands

Brazil has limited mechanisms for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions that support decision-making in identifying and di erentiating low-carbon agricultural products under the Low-Carbon Agriculture Plan (Plano ABC). This event will promote a discussion on innovative solutions to foster and certify low-carbon agricultural practices that align economic and climatic demands in Brazil.

When: November 9, 2017, 10:00 – 11:10

Where: Brazil Pavilion, Bonn Zone

WRI Brasil Staff: Rachel Biderman, Viviane Romeiro and Talita Esturba